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What We Do

each pillar aims to teach, train and facilitate others
in thier philosophy & practice

Nature Ally Learning is a small business that continually offers nature based programming. Facilitated by Forest School professionals, they serve people of all ages,  who are looking to connect themselves, their children or their classrooms back to the land and immersed in Nature

Putting the 'Culture' in permaculture, SOLA works in collaboration and support of artists of all styles and cultural backgrounds. 

Music performance & production, videography, murals, sculptures & installations are all key components to our holistic organization.

Supporting the natural world often means reducing our impact and attempting to reverse the impacts we've already made. 

Garbage Gang Canada is another one of our core allies as we gather for community clean ups, festival landfill diversion and trash literacy, reminding us all that, there is no 'Away' when dealing with our waste.

Seeds of Life Alliance starts with a passion for food sovereignty and a mission to build sustainable practices in the way we approach agriculture. 


Hosting our own garden spaces and helping others set up theirs is a big part of SOLA's service to this community and beyond.



Music & Art


Image by Chantal Garnier

Fresh Veggie Box

Kids Gardening
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